At Pepper Business, we take pride in maintaining a safe and unbiased platform for our community. To ensure that our content meets our quality standards, we have established publication rules that merchants must adhere to.


Merchants are not permitted to self-promote directly on the platform. Instead, we encourage you to use the correct channels and submit only via Pepper Business. This allows our editors to screen your content and ensure its suitability and viability for the platform.

Consequences of Non-Adherence

Failure to adhere to the platform publication rules can result in a suspension or ban for your brand.

Registration Checks

When you register on Pepper Business, your company will be checked to ensure it meets the criteria we set for every brand on our site. These checks are made to help protect our user base and maintain a safe, unbiased platform. The criteria may include historic reviews on an external platform, trading history, business location, and business set-up.

To learn more about the publication rules on Pepper Business for different platforms, including the UK, DE, and FR, please refer to the links provided.

By understanding and following the publication rules on Pepper Business, you can help us maintain a high-quality platform for our community and protect the integrity of your brand.